I recently had the opportunity to help with a baby shower. Actually aside from the food I kind of took over... oops. After some internet research and preliminary sketches I had my heart set on an owl theme. Luckily the other party planners agreed and let me go kind of crazy.

We divvied up the decor and party favor responsibilities. Two of the girls took care of the delicious caramel and white chocolate covered pretzels topped with a flower hair clip. One of the girls attacked the pom poms with fervor and they came out amazing. I was in charge of the owls. I think I made about 15 felt owls, each little guy with its own personality. At Sam's request I even made an albino owl (I know the eyes aren't red/pink). I also added little paper owls with bejeweled eyes to the "floral" arrangements... ok so they were cherry tree branches not flowers, but I thought they were just right. Luckily I was able to use vases and other items purchased for bygone weddings.
I also designed and created the invites using the same idea as the felt owls. For a pattern and instructions on how to make these darling little owls visit Moonstitches.
and it turned out very cute!
Thanks for all your help Heather!
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