We're having the most cozy morning. We woke up and it was (and is) snowing. Everyday we are loving our little home more and more. It was built in 1911, so it's super sturdy and quiet. But, in the last 4 years, everything has been rebuilt/renovated - the floors, ceilings, walls, electrical, plumbing, roof - everything. Needless to say, it's a good little home, and we love it!
Chief and London have been really fun to have around lately. We got them haircuts this past week.They look really good.
We let them out in the snow this morning - they didn't know what to do. I think that it was too cold for them, they went out played for several seconds and decided they wanted to go back inside.
Now we're all sitting on the couch watching Christmas movies.The puppies are spooning.
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1 year ago
Clover Design. He is really enjoying it too!
www.cloverdesign.com [also called Clover Brand Strategy]
Eventually i'm sure he will be on the people page... but who knows when. They are doing some re-vamping and changing,and moving offices to Draper at the end of January (yay!) So once they get into their new office and stuff they'll probably do some fixing on the website. [or they should, since they build websites!]
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